On the possibility of narratives.
To wonder about narratives is to wonder about time. How time will flow, or recur or circulate? A chronological time, and the time of the event and a collapsed time, where past, present, and future coexist. To imagine a narrative that explores different temporalities is not to thematize time travel, but rather to explore polyrhythmia.
Colonial time is a uniform linear time.
The colonial time comes to uniform the temporal pluralities that precede it.
The time of the public sphere and the productive machine is imposed as the only rhythm possible.
Another time is possible.
But it is not only a question of opposing linear time with the temporality of the event.
Polyrhythmia implies the coexistence of different temporalities, and above all of different temporal regularities and the possible collapse of all regularities. A catastrophe.
A catastrophe is a break or interruption of the regularities. It is an event that cannot be contained by previous symbolic marks. (Ignacio Lewcowicz)
In this sense, how to narrate a catastrophe?
The storm is the time of catastrophe
Narratives of the invisible: To listen is to be touched at a distance.
Unlike visually organized narratives -and even music can be visually organized- organizing narratives through sound, through soundscape, is entering immediately into the realm of the multiple. Narratives where the simultaneous, the incongruent, the contradictory, the harmonic, the discordant, the consonant and the dissonant coexist on the same plane. Where the texture and modulations of the flow, the rhythmic regularities colliding with the random irregularities of the environment and the harmonic resonances. Where surfaces and materials, as well as defractions, reflections, interferences, and acoustic shadows are structuring elements and structure at the same time.
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